A Fireside Chat with Mike DiBernardo and Noel Hacegaba, Deputy Executive Directors of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach with moderator, Alan McCorkle, Yusen Terminals Chief Executive Officer
Friday, November 15, 2019
Start Time: 11:30 a.m.
Location: Hilton Long Beach
701 W Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90831
Cost: Member $55 / Non-member $65
*Register by November 13 to receive a discounted price!
Sponsorship Opportunities (Must be received by 11/08/2019):
Gold $1500 Table of eight Logo on all flyers, all media, and mention at podium Two seats at head table
Silver $1000 Table of four Logo on all flyers, all media, and mention at podium One seat at head table
Table Sponsor $750 Eight seats Tabletop placard Logo on most media and mention at podium
Parking $500 Two seats Logo on some media and mention at podium
Dr. Noel Hacegaba
Dr. Noel Hacegaba is the Deputy Executive Director of Administration and Operations for the Port of Long Beach, California. He is responsible for managing the day-to-day administrative and operating functions of the Port, including finance, human resources, real estate, business development, operations, communications, and security. He was named to the post in August 2018 by the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners, the governing body for the Port.
An active member of the community and the goods movement industry, Dr. Hacegaba serves in various leadership roles, including Chairman of the Professional Development Board of the American Association of Port Authorities. He is also a member of the Marine Exchange of Southern California Board of Directors, Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce Board of Directors, St. Mary Medical Center Board of Trustees, Long Beach City College Foundation Board of Governors and the Los Angeles/Long Beach Propeller Club. He was also elected to the Board of Directors of the Intermodal Association of North America, the largest organization representing the combined interests of the intermodal freight transportation industry.
Michael DiBernardo is the deputy executive director of marketing and customer relations at the Port of Los Angeles, the nation’s leading container port. In this role, he oversees the Port’s Cargo Marketing, Cargo and Industrial Real Estate, Waterfront and Commercial Real Estate, Environmental Management, Planning and Strategy, and Wharfinger divisions.
With more than 30 years in the maritime industry, DiBernardo’s career with the Port of Los Angeles began as a student worker in the late 1970s and later as a draftsman in the Port’s engineering division in the early 1980s.
His expertise encompasses intermodal, maritime, security, labor opportunities and future planning initiatives impacting current terminal operators.
A San Pedro native, DiBernardo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California State University, Dominguez Hills and a certificate in the Executive Management Program from UCLA.
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